Lesson - 1: The Rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQs for Class-10 History

 MCQs for Class-X History

MCQs for Class - 10 History: Nationalism in Europe


1) In ______ Frederic Sorrieu, a ________ artist, prepared a series of ______ prints visualizing his dream of a world made up of 'Democratic and Social Republics'.
a) 1858, Swedish, 8
b) 1848, French, 4
c) 1858, French, 8
d) 1848, Swedish, 4

b) 1848, French, 4 ( Pg. no.: 3 )


2) The Statue of Liberty carries _______ in one hand and _______ in the other hand.
a) Broken chains, sword
b) Breastplate with Eagle, sword
c) Torch of Enlightenment, Charter of the Rights of Man
d) German Tricolor Flag, sword

c) Torch of Enlightenment, Charter of the Rights of Man ( Pg. no.: 3 )


3) Which countries were already nation states by 1848?
a) United States and Switzerland
b) Germany and Switzerland
c) Italy and Germany
d) Germany and United States

a) United States and Switzerland ( Pg. no.: 3 )


4) Interestingly when Sorrieu created the painting, _______ people did not yet exist as a united nation.
a) French
b) Swedish
c) American
d) German

d) German ( Pg. no.: 4 )


5) From the heavens above, Christ, saints and angels gaze upon the scene. They have been used by the artist to symbolize ______ among the nations.
a) Equality
b) Fraternity
c) Liberty
d) All of the above

b) Fraternity ( Pg. no.: 4 )

6) France was a full-fledged territorial state until 1789, under the rule of _____.
a) Jacobins
b) An absolute monarch
c) Napolean Bonaparte
d) French revolutionaries

b) An absolute Monarch ( Pg. no.: 5 )

7) A new French flag, the ______ was chosen to replace ________.
a) the Former Royal Standard, tricolor
b) bicolor, Former Royal Standard
c) tricolor, bicolor
d) tricolor, Former Royal Standard

d) tricolor, Former Royal Standard ( Pg. no.: 5 )

8) What factors seemed to outweigh the advantages of the administrative changes brought about by Napolean in the regions under his control?
a) Increased taxation
b) Censorship
c) Forced conscription
d) All of the above

d) All of the above ( Pg. no.: 7 )

9) In Galicia, the aristocracy spoke _____.
a) French
b) Russian
c) Gaelic
d) Polish

d) Polish ( Pg. no.: 8 )

10) In Hungary, half of the population spoke _____.
a) Magyar
b) Gaelic
c) Polish
d) Italian

a) Magyar ( Pg. no.: 8 )

11) The provinces of Lombardy and Venetia spoke _____.
a) French
b) Italian
c) Gaelic
d) Polish

b) Italian ( Pg. no.: 8 )

12) Socially and politically, _________ was the dominant class of the continent.
a) Landed aristocracy
b) Serfs
c) Peasants
d) All of the above

a) Landed aristocracy ( Pg. no.: 8 )

13) Under whose rule did all the males get the right to vote?
a) Jacobins
b) Louis XVI
c) Napolean Bonaparte
d) None of the above

a) Jacobins ( Pg. no.: 9 )

14) In which of the following country(s), industrialisation began the earliest?
a) France
b) England
c) Germany
d) It began at the same time in the above countries

b) England ( Pg. no.: 9 )

15) The Zollverein reduced the number of currencies from __________
a) forty to two
b) forty to one
c) thirty to one
d) thirty to two

d) Thirty to two ( Pg. no.: 10 )

16) After the defeat of Napolean, European governments were driven by a spirit of __________
a) Liberalism
b) Conservatism
c) Secularism
d) All of these

b) Conservatism ( Pg. no.: 10 )

17) Guiseppe Mazzini was not the founder of ____________
a) Young Europe
b) Young Italy
c) Carbonari
d) None of these

c) Carbonari ( Pg. no.: 12 )

18) The first upheaval took place in France during __________________
a) June 1848
b) July 1848
c) June 1830
d) July 1830

d) July 1830 ( Pg. no.: 13 )

19) The liberal revolutionaries set up a constitutional monarchy with _______________
a) Louis XVI
b) Louis Philippe
c) Napolean Bonaparte
d) Victor Emmanuel II

b) Louis Philippe ( Pg. no.: 13 )

20) Poets and artists lauded ____________ as the cradle of European Civilisation.
a) Greece
b) France
c) Britain
d) Poland

a) Greece ( Pg. no.: 13 )

21) The English poet, Lord Byron died in the year ____________.
a) 1830
b) 1848
c) 1824
d) 1815

c) 1824 ( Pg. no.: 13 )

22) __________ generally criticised the glorification of reason and science.
a) Romantic artists
b) Aristocrats
c) Liberal Revolutionaries
d) Conservatives

a) Romantic artists ( Pg. no.: 13 )

23) _________ is the island where 20,000 Greeks were said to have been killed by Turks.
a) Madagascar
b) Chios
c) Marseille
d) Germany

b) Chios ( Pg. no.: 14 )

24) Folk dances like ___________ were turned into nationalist symbols.
a) Polonaise
b) Mazurka
c) Balley
d) Both A and B

d) Both A and B ( Pg. no.: 15 )

25) The weavers revolt in Silesia against the contractors took place in ______.
a) 1830
b) 1845
c) 1848
d) 1815

b) 1845 ( Pg. no.: 16 )

26) ___________ was a political activist who founded a woman's journal and a feminist political association.
a) Carl Welcker
b) Wolff Tone
c) Louis-Otto Peters
d) Wilhelm Wolff

c) Louis-Otto Peters ( Pg. no.: 17 )

27) On 18 May 1848, _________ elected representatives marched in a festive procession.
a) 813
b) 138
c) 381
d) 831

d) 831 ( Pg. no.: 17 )

28) The Habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarians in _______.
a) 1867
b) 1876
c) 1846
d) 1864

a) 1867 ( Pg. no.: 18 )

29) Who is the Chief Commander of the Prussian army?
a) Guiseppe Mazzini
b) Guiseppe Garibaldi
c) General Von Roon
d) Otto Von Bismarck

c) General Von Roon ( Pg. no.: 19 )

30) Who were called Junkers?
a) Large landowners of Russia
b) Peasants of Prussia
c) Large landowners of Prussia
d) Peasants of Russia

c) Large landowners of Prussia ( Pg. no.: 19 )

31) Which of the following is matched correctly?
a) Sardinia-Piedmont --> Italian Princely House
b) South Italy --> Austrian-Habsburgs
c) North Italy --> Bourbon Kings of Spain
d) All of the above

a) Sardinia-Piedmont --> Italian Princely House ( Pg. no.: 20 )

32) Chief Minister Camillo de Cavour was _____________.
a) Revolutionary
b) Democrat
c) Conservative
d) None of the above

d) None of the above ( Pg. no.: 21 )

33) The peasant masses who had supported Garibaldi, believed that ' La Talia ' was
a) The allegory of Italy
b) Victor Emmanuel's wife
c) a peasant
d) a Junker

b) Victor Emmanuel's wife ( Pg. no.: 21 )

34) What is the name of the pact formed between the countries of England and Scotland?
a) Treaty of Vienna
b) Treaty of Constantinople
c) Act of Union
d) Treaty of Versailles

c) Act of Union ( Pg. no.: 22 )

35) The Scottish Highlanders were forbidded to speak ________.
a) Gaelic
b) Magyar
c) English
d) Polish

a) Gaelic ( Pg. no.: 22 )

36) Guiseppe Garibaldi led __________ to fight for the unification of Italy.
a) United Irishmen
b) Greeks
c) Turks
d) Red Shirts

d) Red Shirts ( Pg. no.: 22 )

37) The painting of Germania in the Church of St.Paul was an artwork by __________.
a) Julius Hubner
b) Lorenz Clasen
c) Phillip Veit
d) Anton Von Werner

c) Phillip Veit ( Pg. no.: 23 )

38) The characteristics of Marianne was drawn from ____________.
a) Liberty and secularism
b) Republic and Democratism
c) Secularism and Democratism
d) Liberty and Republic

d) Liberty and Republic ( Pg. no.: 23 )

39) Which factors suggest that ' The Balkans ' was an area of intense conflict?
a) The Balkan states were jealous of each other
b) There was a big power rivalry
c) The problems in the Balkans contributed to the First World War
d) All of these

d) All of these ( Pg. no.: 26 )

40) Nationalism, aligned with _________, led Europe to disaster in 1914.
a) Secularism
b) Imperialism
c) Liberalism
d) Conservatism

b) Imperialism ( Pg. no.: 27 )

Assertion and Reasoning 

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Assertion is false but reason is true.

41) Assertion: Within the wide swathe of territory that came under his control, Napolean set about introducing various reforms.
Reason: This was done to make the whole system rational and efficient.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.( Pg. no.: 6)

42) Assertion: In liberal nationalism, the concept of government by consent was emphasised.
Reason: Equality before the law stood for universal adult franchise.

c) Assertion is true but reason is false.( Pg. no.: 9) Because under the concept of liberal nationalism, the voting rights were denied for women. So, it did not stand for universal adult franchise.

43) Assertion: German confederation of 39 states was set up by Napolean.
Reason: This was left untouched by the Vienna Congress.

b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. ( Pg. no.: 11)

44) Assertion: The cover of a French almanac was designed by the journalist Andreas Rebmann.
Reason: He was a member of a German Jacobin group.

d) Assertion is false but reason is true. ( Pg. no.: 5) The assertion is false because, he designed a German almanac, not French.

45) Assertion: The conservative politician Carl Welcker did not support feminism.
Reason: According to him, men are stronger and women are weaker.

d) Assertion is false but reason is true. ( Pg. no.: 17) The assertion is false because Carl Welcker was a liberal politician and not a conservative.

46) Assertion: As a young man of 24, Guiseppe Mazzini was sent to exile.
Reason: He attempted a revolution in Liguria in 1831.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. ( Pg. no.: 12) 

47) Assertion: Under the Jacobins all the men enjoyed the voting rights.
Reason: However, women were denied voting rights.

b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. 

48) Assertion: Romantic artists supported the glorification of reason and science.
Reason: They also shaped nationalist feelings through art and poetry.

d) Assertion is false but reason is true. ( Pg. no.: 13) The assertion is false because the romantic artists criticised the glorification of reason and science.

49) Assertion: Louis Philippe was forced to flee in the year 1848.
Reason: He had denied the voting rights, even to property owning men.

d) Assertion is true but reason is false. ( Pg. no.: 15) He was forced to flee because he failed to handle the situation of widespread poverty and food shortages in France.

50) Assertion: Wolfe Tone was the journalist who described the events of the Silesian Revolt.
Reason: The weavers suffered a lot due to the reduced payments by their contractors.

c) Assertion is false but reason is true. ( Pg. no.: 16) It was Wilhelm Wolff who described the events of the revolt. Wolfe Tone is different from Wilhelm Wolff.


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